Geographic and projected coordinate systems pdf

Geographic coordinate system to locate a point on a piece of white paper, we usually use the distances of the point to the leftright edge x and topbottom edge y. The original data has no coordinate system definition the data was collected using a particular coordinate system, but the. Supported coordinate systems and geographic transformations. In the lower window, labeled select a coordinate system, a different coordinate system can be selected to display data in the data frame. Handbook on geographic information systems and digital. Project a feature class from a geographic to a projected coordinate system task 2. A geographic coordinate system gcs uses a threedimensional spherical surface to define locations on the earth. Every map projection distorts distance, area, shape, direction, or some combination thereof. Geographic coordinate systems and projected coordinate systems in arcgis and arcmap duration. In each coordinate system, geodists use mathematics to give each position on earth a unique coordinate. Geographic coordinate systems which are often but not always in decimal degree units are often optimal when you need to locate places on the earth. Therefore the edges leftright, topbottom are references for locating positions in the paper space.

Projected vs geographic coordinate reference systems. Geographic coordinate systems gcs most commonly have units in decimal degrees measuring degrees of longitude xcoordinates and degrees of latitude ycoordinates. Geographic and projected coordinate systems are linked to datums datums are different ways of measuring the shape of the earth and impact both geographic coordinate systems using latitudelongitude and projected coordinate systems. Coordinate systems enable you to integrate datasets to perform various integrated analytical operations, such as overlaying data layers from disparate sources and coordinate systems. Projected coordinate systems are referred to as map projections.

Comparison the geographic coordinate system gcs is based on a spherical surface and locations are expressed in. A projected coordinate system is defined by a geographic coordinate system, a map projection, any parameters needed by the map projection and a linear unit of measure. Supported coordinate systems and geographic transformations this document contains information about the coordinate systems and geographic datum transformations supported in arcgis. Geographic vs projected coordinate reference systems gis. However, latitude and longitude locations are not located using uniform measurement units. Location is defined on a flat surface using cartesian coordinates i. Remember that a pcs is just a gcs that has been projected. When you initiate a spatial reference object with a numeric code a valid spatial reference object is returned.

This is a list of all crss supported by qgis, including geographic, projected and custom coordinate reference systems. Select a suitable map projection or coordinate system. Standardized coordinate systems use absolute locations. Unlike a gcs, a pcs has constant lengths, angles, and areas across the two dimensions. You can find out what coordinate system your data is in by examining the layers properties. To more accurately represent locations on the earths surface, map makers studied the shape of the earth geodesy and created the concept of the spheroid. Within arcgis, coordinate systems are classified either as geographic coordinate systems latitude and longitude or projected coordinate systems such as the utm or state plane. When the spc system uses nad 83 as it recently, the system is expressed in meters anderson and mikhail, 1998.

Learning the basic properties and uses of coordinate systems understanding the difference between geographic coordinates and projected coordinates getting familiar with different types of map projections managing and troubleshooting coordinate systems of feature classes and images. Summary of projected coordinate reference systems search criteria. The coordinates are often chosen such that one of the numbers represents a vertical position and two or three of the numbers represent a horizontal position. Geographic coordinate reference systems are often used to make maps of the world. The crs that is chosen depends on when the data was collected, the geographic extent of the data, the purpose of the data, etc. Jan 05, 2019 projected coordinate system makes use of 2dimensional or flat plane surface representing earth surface objects. Difference between geographic and projected coordinate. In a coordinate system, the xdirection value is the easting and the ydirection value is the northing. Geographic datum transformationsproperties of maps. Data from different sources may have different coordinate systems.

The question i usually ask myself is not what are the advantages of projected versus geographic coordinate systems, but rather, which coordinate system is most appropriate for my application. The distortion ellipses plotted on the conformal projection shown above in figure 2. Overview of coordinate reference systems crs in r coordinate reference systems crs provide a standardized way of describing locations. Esri provides a list of projected and geographic coordinate systems and their numeric codes here.

Easily transform between geodetic and projected coordinate systems. A projected coordinate system such as universal transverse mercator utm, albers equal area, or robinson, all of which along with numerous other map projection models provide various mechanisms to project maps of the earths spherical surface onto a twodimensional cartesian coordinate plane. Understanding coordinate systems and projections for arcgis. Because the earth is round and maps are flat, getting information from the curved surface to a flat one involves a mathematical formula call a map projection. There are many different coordinate systems each one is better for certain purposes. Once map data are projected onto a planar surface, features must be referenced by a planar coordinate system.

The state plane coordinate system sps or spcs is a set of 124 geographic zones or coordinate systems designed for specific regions of the united states. There are two major global coordinate systems, know as the geographic coordinate system i. On top of geographic coordinate systems, we build projections, or projected coordinate systems. Projected coordinate systems are based on a plane the spheroid projected onto a 2d surface and utilize linear units feet, meters, etc. Coordinate systems and map projections provide information for locating data on the earth georeferencing. A projected coordinate system is always based on a geographic coordinate system that references a specific datum. What are 2 types of coordinate reference systems in gis.

Latitude, longitude and coordinate system grids gis. Summary of projected epsg geodetic parameters coordinate. Coordinate systems once map data are projected onto a planar surface, features must be referenced by a planar coordinate system. Projected coordinate system projected coordinate systems portray the earth in a twodimensional flat surface paper or computer screen. A common choice of coordinates is latitude and longitude. Geographic coordinate systems span the entire globe e. The handbook is as comprehensive as possible without overloading the reader with too much technical presentation, which is dealt with in the annexes. Projected coordinate systems, map projections, parameters, and linear units of measure current as of arcgis version 9. Geographic, projected, and vertical coordinate systems, as well as geographic datum transformations, are discussed in this topic. Handbook on geographic information systems and digital mapping. Handbook for transformation of datums, projections, grids. A gcs includes an angular unit of measure, a prime meridian, and a datum based on a spheroid a point is referenced by its longitude and. Our study uses the geographic coordinate system but there are other coordinate systems that divide the globe differently, like the universal transverse mercator or utm coordinate system, this system divides the earth into 60 zones vertically, and 20 sections horizontally. In general crs can be divided into projected coordinate reference systems also called cartesian or rectangular coordinate reference systems and geographic coordinate reference systems.

Projected coordinate reference systems are use to optimize spatial analysis for a region. Coordinate systems, both geographic and projected, are recognised as a key concept as well as among the most difficult concepts to understand in geosciencebased disciplines. Think about it like this, since we need an angular unit of reference to appropriately locate things on earth, a projected coordinate system ultimately ties everything back to our geographic coordinate system in order to locate things. In a projected coordinate system, locations are identified by x,y coordinates on a grid, with the origin at the center of the grid. Extensive support for thousands of geographic and projected coordinate systems. The difference is that wgs 84 is a geographic coordinate system, and utm is a projected coordinate system. The tables include supported units of measure, spheroids, datums, and prime meridians. A projected coordinate system pcs is defined on a flat, twodimensional surface. A geographic coordinate system uses a three dimensional sphere to locate data on the earth. Geographic transformations make it easy to view data together when it has different coordinate systems, but applying a transformation comes with costs in drawing performance and accuracy. Accordingly, this study presents methods to create portable document format pdf files, embedded with threedimensional 3d models and animations, with which students can.

The annexes provide technical aspects such as an overview of gis, coordinate systems and map projections, geographic data modelling, and thematic mapping. How can i create custom projected coordinate system in arcpy. Introduction to spatial references arcgis for developers. With the help of coordinate reference systems crs every place on the earth can be specified by a set of three numbers, called coordinates.

Create one or edit an existing definition and save it for future use. When working with data in a geographic coordinate system, it is sometimes useful to equate the longitude values with the x axis and the latitude values with the y axis. Datums can be considered as a set of established reference points to which coordinate systems are registered. A workbook approach to learning gis, 3rd edition book. Without a coordinate system a map is just a drawing. These are often referred to as geographic coordinate systems. Coordinate systems either geographic or projected provide a framework for defining realworld locations. Therefore the edges leftright, topbottom are references for.

In the lower window, click predefined projected coordinate systems utm wgs 1984 and select utm zone 18n as the projection. Geographic vs projected coordinate reference systems gis in. All projected coordinate systems are based on a gcs geographic coordinate system. Understanding difference between coordinate system and. To define a crs, select it from the list by expanding the appropriate node and selecting the crs. What are the limitations of using projected data rather than. Projected coordinate systems a projected coordinate system is a flat, twodimensional representation of the earth. In arcgis, the coordinate system is used as the method to automatically integrate the geographic locations from different datasets into a common coordinate framework for display and analysis. It is based on a sphere or spheroid geographic coordinate system, but it uses linear units of measure for coordinates, so that calculations of distance and area are easily done in terms of those same units. Finally, switch the data frame coordinate system again, this time back to the geographic coordinate systems north american nad83 note the change in shape. Epsg geodetic parameters international association of oil and gas producers data set version 8.

For example, leuven, belgium is located on 505247 north and 44201 east in the wgs84 coordinate system. Learn about wgs84 and utm coordinate reference systems as used in r. Lets look at the properties of the wgs 1984 geographic coordinate system. Projected coordinate systems describe the distance from an origin 0,0 along two separate axes. To edit or perform analysis on your data, it is good practice to work with data in the same coordinate system. A pcs is always based on a gcs that is based on a sphere or spheroid.

The consistent shapes indicate that conformal projections like this mercator projection of the world preserve the fidelity of angle measurements from the globe to the plane. Coordinates in a gcs are recorded in an angular unit, usually degrees. Coordinate systems, projections, and transformations. Each state contains one or more state plane zones, the boundaries of which usually follow county lines. Some numerical values have been rounded for display. Sep 21, 2014 set the data frame coordinate system to a proper projected coordinate system for that zone, work with the shape layer, in wgs 84 gcs whereas the data frame is in a projected coordinate system, once finished working and obtained the result shape layer. Geodesists use coordinate reference systems such as wgs84, nad27 and nad83. The geographic system latitudelongitude, which is based on angles measured on a sphere, is not valid for measurements on a plane. Projected coordinate system makes use of 2dimensional or flat plane surface representing earth surface objects. A projected coordinate system is defined on a flat, twodimensional surface. What is the difference between a geographic coordinate system and a projected coordinate system. A coordinate system enables every location on the earth to be specified by a set of coordinates of known location on a grid. What are geographic coordinate systems in the installed or online help, the map projections section in v10 is in professional library, guide books.

Coordinate systems, map projections, and geographic datum. A geographic coordinate system is a coordinate system that enables every location on earth to be specified by a set of numbers, letters or symbols. A geographic coordinate system defines twodimensional coordinates based on. Projected coordinate systems a map projection is the systematic transformation of locations on the earth latitudelongitude to planar coordinates the basis for this transformation is the geographic coordinate system which references a datum map projections are designed for specific purposes. The extent values for an area of use are in decimal degrees based on wgs 1984.

A gcs is often incorrectly called a datum, but a datum is only one part of a gcs. Projected coordinate systems utm nad nad83 utm zone 12 n zoom to full extent, and display the data, noting the change in the projection, as at right. Learn more about key differences between projected vs. Manage custom transformations in an easy to use coordinate system browser. It is normally used in preparing maps and making linear measurements.

Export the shapefile by doing data export data and, for the option use the same. The geographic coordinate system great lakes worm watch. A projected coordinate system based on a map projection such as transverse mercator, albers equal area, or robinson, all of which along with numerous other map projection models provide various mechanisms to project maps of the earths spherical surface onto a twodimensional cartesian coordinate plane. Geographic coordinate systems, datums, spheroids, prime meridians, and angular units of measure current as of arcgis version 9. A projected coordinate reference system is always depends on the geographic coordinate system. A geographic coordinate system gcs is a coordinate system which uses a threedimensional spherical surface to define locations on the earth. A comparison advantages of the spherical coordinate systemyou can represent any point on the earths surface as accurately as your measurement techniques allow.

A projected coordinate system is always based on a geographic coordinate system that is based on a sphere or spheroid. Projected coordinate systems, map projections, parameters, and linear units of measure. Hence, these are also called as map projection systems. The system selection from introducing geographic information systems with arcgis. Data in a geographic coordinate system is referenced using latitude and. The difference between a geographic and a projected. A pcs also contains a geographic coordinate system. Unlike a geographic coordinate system, a projected coordinate system has constant lengths, angles, and areas across the two dimensions. A coordinate system is a standardized method for assigning numeric codes to locations so that locations can be found using the codes alone. Geometric properties preserved and distorted the nature.